
Rhu and Shandon Community Centre opened in 1905 and since then has been serving the local community as a venue for a wide range of activities such as fitness classes, badminton, dance classes, youth clubs, community council meetings and as a polling station during elections.

The Edible Garden is a new project which started in February 2023 to develop the rear garden of the hall into a community growing space for all to enjoy.

keystone_logoThe community centre achieved the Keystone Award.  Keystone is a quality award scheme for village halls and community buildings.

The hall provides affordable and flexible room hire opportunities to those who need a local venue.


Rhu & Shandon Community Centre is registered as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).

Charity number is: SC045787.

Keep your local village hall open – volunteers needed!

We need volunteers to help run the hall.  If you can spare a few hours a month PLEASE come along  and help us.  If you wish any further information please email rhuhallmac@gmail.com.
